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What Are the Space Requirements for a Launch Monitor and Home Golf Simulator?

How much space do you need for these devices in your home golf setup?

However you plan to use your golf launch monitor, space is going to be a key factor in you purchasing decision. Especially if you are buying it for a home golf simulator setup.

Generally, outdoors, you either need to place the launch monitor unit a designated amount of feet behind the tee (usually for doppler radar-based devices) or next to the tee (photometric golf launch monitors) with unlimited flight space.

But at home—either outdoors hitting into a net or indoors—you'll need to know how much space your launch monitor requires from tee to unit and how much flight space to net or impact screen is required for the device to get a good read on the ball.

If you're building a garage golf simulator or a studio inside your house, you'll also need to think about room dimensions.

This post gets you familiar with the space requirements for all of our favorite golf launch monitors with—with and without simulation.

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What Are the Space Requirements for a FlightScope Mevo+?

For Indoor Setup, Here’s What FlightScope Recommends:

  • At 8 ft of ball flight, use a minimum spin to ball speed ratio of 11 or more.
  • For example: 2,000 RPM of ball spin ÷ 180 MPH of ball speed gives you a ratio of 11.
  • If your spin to ball speed ratio is lower than 11, please use more ball flight.

Rule of thumb for indoor is 13 ft recommended, but 8 ft’ is the minimum.

For Outdoor Setup:

  • The Mevo+ unit should be 7–9 ft. behind the tee
  • Unrestricted ball flight in front of the tee

For Mevo+ Short Game Setup:

  • Putting:
    • Flat surface is required with no metallic dots
    • 12 degree tilt on the Mevo+ unit
    • 7 ft from sensor to tee
    • 6–30 ft range for putt

  • Limited Flight Chipping:
    • Metallic dots required for limited flight (or Titleist RCT balls)
    • 8 ft from sensor to tee
    • Minimum 8 ft of limited flight space to net/impact screen

  • Full Flight Chipping:
    • Full flight, less than 50 yards
    • 8 ft from sensor to tee
    • 6–50 ft yard flight

Environment Issue Awareness

You should be aware that fluorescent lighting and certain electronic devices in front of the FlightScope Mevo+ unit may cause tracking performance issues.

Watch this video from Gabe at Let’s Play Thru for a Mevo+ unboxing and outdoor setup.

Watch this video from Golf Simulator Videos for a Mevo+ unboxing and indoor simulator setup.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our FlightScope Mevo+ SimStudios.

How Much Space Is Needed for the SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor & Golf Simulator?

SkyTrak+ Outdoors Setup

If you’re using your SkyTrak+ outdoors, space is really of no concern. All you need is enough room to swing your clubs.

The SkyTrak+ sets up to the side of the golf ball, rather than from behind. You’ll set the device up so that you’re facing the device as you address the ball. When turned on, the SkyTrak will shoot a laser light onto the turf to show you exactly where to place the golf ball. Although not necessary, it's best to position the ball with the logo facing the SkyTrak+. From there, it’s time to grip it and rip it.


We recommend hitting off a mat designed specifically for golf. Place the ball or the base of the tee on the red dot projected by the laser. If a mat is not available, we suggest hitting off a tee from the grass. Irons and wedges hit directly off the grass create dirt and grass particles from the divots that can make for inconsistent shot capture. Avoid direct sunlight into the system during use. Direct sun into the optic lens of SkyTrak can create problems for consistent shot capture.

Skytrak+ Space Requirements:

One of the great advantages of this personal golf launch monitor/simulator device is that it reads from the side rather than from behind. That’s a big deal if space is tight as it will save a lot on room depth requirements.

  • Room depth. With the SkyTrak, we recommend at least 10 feet of room depth.
  • Room width. We recommend at least 10 feet of space between side walls. This should allow you enough room to comfortably swing without hitting the wall behind you.
  • Room height. Generally speaking, you need at least 9-foot ceilings to comfortably pull off an indoor golf simulator setup. Ten feet would be better. Of course, the height of the golfer and their swing path will alter those requirements. A tall golfer with a steep swing may require even more than 10 feet of ceiling space. On the other hand, a shorter golfer might be able to get away with less than 9-foot ceilings. To see if you have enough room, swing your driver (slowly at first!) in the space where you intend to set up your SkyTrak golf simulator.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our SkyTrak+ SimStudios.

How Much Space Is Required for the Bushnell Launch Pro?

Outdoor Space Requirements:

There are no limits when you are outdoors—at the range or on the course. You just need enough room to swing.

If you are hitting into a net in your backyard, you will need at least 13 feet of ball flight.

Using the Launch Pro Indoors

When you take it indoors, give yourself at least 13’ of depth to track ball flight, at least 6’ of width, and enough ceiling height to swing your club freely—without feeling restricted. (See our garage golf ceiling height article to find out if you have enough space to swing.)

Recommended space for Bushnell Launch Pro indoors: 14’ x 6’ x 9’ (L x W x H)

Proper Placement of the Launch Pro & Ball:

Correct use of the Launch Pro device is very important in order to guarantee function and accuracy. This begins with proper placement of the device in your hitting area.

The device should be placed on the same level hitting surface as the ball. This is illustrated below.

If you are using the device outdoors, please be sure to attempt to always have the ball on the same level surface as the device as well. Accounting for any items that could be blocking the cameras from fully seeing the ball.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our Bushnell Launch Pro SimStudio Options.

What Are the Space Requirements for the Full Swing KIT?

  1. Fully extend the rear leg of the KIT.

  2. Place the KIT on level ground 10-feet directly behind the ball/tee position and in-line with the target.

    Note: The target line can be displayed in the Full Swing app or on the OLED screen on the unit.

    • To view the target line on the Full Swing app, see Starting a Practice Session. 
    • To view the target line on the OLED screen of the unit, see Using the KIT Without the App. 

  3. Confirm the KIT is lined-up with the intended target and that there are no obstructions.

    Note: Hitting the ball from outside the target line or with obstructions may result in missing or misrepresented data.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our PlayBetter SimStudios.

What Are the Garmin R10 Space Requirements?

Outdoor Space Requirements:

As a Doppler-based launch monitor, the Garmin Approach R10 sets up behind the ball.

You'll need to place the unit 6-8' behind you. If you are hitting into a net outdoors, allow for at least 8'+ of space in front for ball flight measurements—but the more, the better.

If you are using a golf mat, make sure the bottom edge of the device sits above the mat.

Adjust the device so the red alignment line is aligned with the tee location and the target of the shot. You can lay a golf club on the ground between the alignment line and tee location to confirm they are lined up.

Indoor Space Requirements:

The Garmin R10 reads from behind, so it will require an ample amount of space indoors.

  • Room depth. A home golf simulator like the Approach R10 that measures from behind is going to require a minimum of 14 feet of room depth to work accurately and consistently.
  • Room width. We recommend at least 10 feet of space between side walls. This should allow you enough room to comfortably swing without hitting the wall behind you. One advantage to having the unit set up behind you is that it is lefty- and righty-friendly! You won’t have to arrange you setup when alternating players who swing from a different side.
  • Room height. There’s no bigger buzzkill than to buy a golf simulator, set it up, and then realize that the space you have is too small. You DO NOT want to put holes in your ceiling. So, measure well. Generally speaking, you need at least 9-foot ceilings to comfortably pull off an indoor golf simulator setup. Ten feet would be better. Of course, the height of the golfer and their swing path will alter those requirements. A tall golfer with a steep swing may require even more than 10 feet of ceiling space. On the other hand, a shorter golfer might be able to get away with less than 9-foot ceilings. To see if you have enough room, swing your driver (slowly at first!) in the space where you intend to set up your Garmin golf simulator.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our Garmin Approach R10 SimStudio Options.

What's the Space Required for the Rapsodo MLM2PRO?

Outdoor space requirements: The MLM2PRO™ is designed to sit 6.5-8.5 feet directly behind the ball aimed down the target line.  

Indoor space requirements: A little more than 14 total feet is needed. First, 8 feet is needed from ball to the net. Then, the MLM2PRO™ requires another 6.5-8.5 feet behind the ball. Taller players may need to place the device further back to capture their entire swing video.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our Rapsodo MLM2PRO SimStudios.

What Are the Swing Caddie SC4 Space Requirements?

About 15 feet of space is recommended for indoor play. The unit should be placed 4-7 feet behind the ball.

You will need to allow 10 feet between the ball and a net/impact screen, whether indoor or outdoor.

Looking for a more affordable, easy-to-set-up complete home golf studio for your home? Check out our Swing Caddie SimStudios.

What's the Space Needed for the FlightScope Mevo?

Recommended setup position is 6ft behind the tee. Setup position may be as short as 4ft for smaller spaces. For high swing speed, radar should be moved back to 7ft.

Keep the the area between the Mevo and the tee clear of any objects and people.

Place a metallic sticker on the ball for optimal spin accuracy. Aim the metallic sticker on the ball away from the radar.

The Mevo should be level with the launch position for most accurate readings.

What Are the Swing Caddie SC300i Space Requirements?

Place the Swing Caddie SC300i golf launch monitor behind the ball on the same level.

The unit should be positioned approximately 5 feet behind the ball.

For Indoor net use have at least 6 ½ feet from ball to net.

Also compare our golf launch monitors by these categories ...

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