Lets Play Thru - Golf YouTube Channel
"Working with PlayBetter as an affiliate has been amazing! Not only can I share great products I love with my audience, I can rest assured the service and experience they receive is second to none. In addition, the exposure my brand has received from PlayBetter has helped me expand and grow my show. Highly recommended."
Gabe Aluisy, Lets Play Thru (Subscribe here!)
PlayBetter Partners FAQs
What is the commission structure* for PlayBetter Partners?
Entry-level partners start at 5% commission on most items and, based on quality of work, allow for commission upgrades up to 10% commission. Some items, due to low margins, have reduced commissions for all partners.
Do I immediately get demo product upon being accepted into the program?
No. Unless you are an established creator in the golf space, we do not send demo product upon being accepted into the program. We require consistent proof of quality content for us to consider providing demo product.
How often do affiliates get paid out?
Affiliates are paid out monthly. Commissions become valid 60 days after purchase, to allow for PlayBetter's return policy.
What if I'm not a golf creator, will you still accept me?
If you make great content, you will absolutely be considered. But typically, we focus on our program on golf creators only.