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The 2025 PGA Show product display floor with many golf brand logo signs and patrons walking among the displays

An In-Person Look at All That’s Exciting at the 2025 PGA Show

Stay ahead of the game with insider insights, golf tech surprises, and unforgettable moments at the 2025 PGA Show—where the PlayBetter team got up close and personal with this season's golf innovations! 

Note: This article was updated on 1/24/25 to include the new Bushnell Golf rangefinders in the Golf Rangefinder Updates section, the Shot Scope G6 in the Golf Watches and Handhelds Updates section, and the Other Cool Innovations section!

Kid in a candy store.

Sensory overload.

Golf junkie heaven.

I don’t know how to describe it entirely, but there is a RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF INCREDIBLE SHI*T to see at the 2025 PGA Show!

We can’t cover it all. Nobody can.

But we’re going to give you at least a handful of the coolest things we’ve seen, including some of the most important updates pertaining to the golf technology (launch monitors, simulator software, GPS watches, rangefinders, etc.) that’s dominating the scene.

Let me say this much: More than ever, golf technology is challenging clubs and apparel for centerstage at the PGA Show. The world is hip to the game-improvement powers of the ever-evolving lineup of golf tech products.

As the mainstream becomes more aware, the manufacturers are working harder to meet the growing demand. The scene is hyper competitive, and that’s nothing but great news for the consumer.

Kerri Costello, Rapsodo’s Key Accounts Manager, summed it up nicely for me, saying, “At this show, golf technology is booming. And everyone in the industry knows that. You don’t need to be a pro to practice like a pro anymore. You can do it at an affordable cost, in your backyard, in your basement. Golfers need to understand the benefits of technology.”

Here’s at least a tiny bit of the awesomeness that went down in Orlando.

Golf Rangefinder Updates

FlightScope Announces First-Ever Rangefinder, and It’s Headline Worthy


PlayBetter team member's hand holding the FlightScope i4 golf rangefinder at the PGA Show


FlightScope and rangefinders? Until now, this has been a golf launch monitor company. But with the brand new i4, they’ve introduced a way to combine all of that launch monitor data with an on-course rangefinder experience.

That’s right, similar to how Foresight and Bushnell have integrated GLM numbers into their Bluetooth-enabeled lasers, FlightScope’s i4 will allow users to get personalized club recommendations in the rangefinder’s viewfinder.

But it gets even cooler.

Not only can you pair your FlightScope Mevo+ data with the FlightScope app and rangefinder, you can also import data from any other type of golf launch monitor. That’s a first-of-it’s-kind feature. A brand-agnostic personalized plays-like distance option that’s based on your own individual shot data.

Even better, you don’t even need a golf launch monitor at all! Thanks to what FlightScope is calling their i4 Smart Gapping, users can manually input their carry distance for one or more golf clubs. With that information, the Smart Gapping tool uses AI to calculate carry distances for each club in your bag.

And even crazier, the i4 applies environmental conditions, including wind speed and direction, slope, air density, and kinematic viscosity, to its personalized plays-like distances.

It all means that when you get out to the course, all you have to do is fire up the app, pair it with your i4 laser, and away you go. You’ll be able to look through the reticle and get a specific club recommendation for each shot, taking into account all of the weather variables as well as your own specific shot data information.

The new FlightScope i4 retails for $499.

Bushnell Introduces New Hybrid Rangefinder


A hand holding the 2025 Bushnell Tour Hybrid at the PGA Show

Now, with the new Bushnell Tour Hybrid, you can get slope-adjusted distances to the pin AND front/center/back yardages, all right in the reticle!

By pairing the Bluetooth-enabled Tour Hybrid with the Bushnell Golf app, you’ll have the benefits of a rangefinder and a GPS device in one laser.

Magnification is 6x, and the Tour Hybrid includes all of the usual Bushnell hallmarks like PinSeeker with Visual JOLT Technology, integrated BITE magnetic cart mount, Slope on/off switch, and a range of more than 500 yards. Price is $499.99.

Bushnell A1-Slope: A New Mini Rangefinder Option

A hand holding the new Bushnell A1-Slope golf rangefinder at the 2025 PGA Show

At the show, Bushnell rolled out their first-ever pocket-sized rangefinder, the A1-Slope. And, priced at just $299.99, I think it’s got sneaky potential.

I’ve played a number of rounds with the Voice Caddie Laser FIT, and I’ve come to love the option of just keeping a micro rangefinder in my pocket. It’s a super convenient way to play.

The A1-Slope comes with a removable skin. The skin includes the cart magnet, and having it on does make the rangefinder a bit bulkier and potentially less of a pocket-sized fit. But if you remove it, this little guy is small enough that most anyone could swing without it feeling like a burden in their pocket.

Obviously, the A1-Slope includes slope-adjusted yardages. It also comes with a rechargeable battery via USB-C, rated for more than 3,000 clicks before a recharge is required. And you get a premium carrying case.

Bushnell Transitions Away from Iconic Orange

Further cementing the Bushnell Golf/Foresight Sports marriage, Bushnell is rebranding all of their products. Rather than the classic Bushnell orange, everything Bushnell will now be the same blue/black/white colorway of Foresight.

Personally, I’m not crazy about this move. When I think of Bushnell, one of the first things that comes to mind is orange. That color is, at least to me, part of what makes that brand stand out.

Additionally, when it comes to rangefinders, I think a bright orange laser is a lot harder to lose or forget in your golf cart than the more camouflaged new look of black and blue.

But, what can we do? At least the performance of these devices is as great as ever.

Nikon Increases Stabilizing/Speed with New PRO III STABILIZED

If you’ve got shaky hands, Nikon’s COOLSHOT Pro II STABILIZED used to be your best rangefinder option.

Now, they’ve made it even better. The stabilized technology is improved so that you can more comfortably and confidently get a reading even if your hands aren’t perfectly steady.

On top of that, the readout speed, which was already very impressive, is even faster.

Nikon also updated their target lock confirmation so that now, rather than an audible beep, you get a vibration jolt. I think that’s a better solution.

The Pro II STABILIZED was already one of my favorite golf rangefinders. The PRO III version is even better.


The 2025 Nikon Coolshot ProIII Stabilized golf rangefinder on display at the 2025 PGA Show



Nikon spruced up their mid-tier rangefinder offering with the new COOLSHOT 50i GII, which will retail for $299.

The 50i GII includes a cart magnet, the only laser in the Nikon lineup with that feature. And, of course it being Nikon, the optics are sick, including an updated OLED screen.

Golf Launch Monitor Updates

Foresight and TaylorMade Team Up for Built-In Club Stickers

This is wild. I was visiting with PlayBetter owner Spiro Alafassos early in day one of the PGA Show. And he said to me, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you could get golf clubs that already included club stickers? So that you didn’t have to apply them to get club data with all of these golf launch monitors?”

We both agreed that it would be cool indeed, but neither of us had seen anything like it as of yet.

About an hour later, I’m visiting with the guys at the Foresight Sports booth, asking them what’s new. And Bryan Williams says, “Have you seen the new TaylorMade driver, the Qi35?” Then he proceeded to show me.

Lo and behold, this new driver’s carbon face has a layer of urethane that includes club stickers baked in. Crazy! The future is here!

Now, before you get too excited, as of now this is limited to just this one new driver model. And, right now, it’s only in the fitting head model, meaning you can’t yet get this off the rack.

But it does mean that you could get fit for the TaylorMade Qi35 with those built-in fiducials using a Foresight launch monitor and then have your specs based on all of the ball and club data that the leading golf launch monitor delivers.

It also means that, eventually, we’re likely to see this across other golf clubs. Which I think would be awesome. One day we might no longer have to fuss with fiducials when we want to get club data. It might all be there for us already built into the golf club.

Uneekor Unveils XR Rear-Mounted Overhead Launch Monitor

Speaking of club stickers, what if we could just skip them all together?

Another super cool innovation, coming in March, will be a rear-mounted overhead golf launch monitor that won’t require any special golf balls OR club stickers. The Uneekor XR is the first product that promises accurate data without the extra fuss.

The XR is limited to 18 data points, as opposed to the 22 metrics available with Uneekor’s front-mounted Eye XO2. But the data you’re missing is the information that’s likely overkill for most amateur golfers.

The XR will retail for $7,000 and will be compatible with Uneekor’s add-on dual-camera system that allows for an even more enhanced swing analysis experience.

Keep your eyes out for this bad boy come March 2025.

Foresight Sports/PuttView Integration Now Live


The Foresight Sports and Puttview display at the 2025 PGA Show


Last year, Foresight and PuttView announced a partnership that would make the tee-to-green golf simulator experience more lifelike than ever before. But the technology wasn’t quite ready for actual in-home use. Well, now it is.

And, for those who can afford it (cause it ain’t cheap), it’s freaking awesome!

What this is is a putting green that includes overhead projectors that map out the simulated contours of a green. So, you can stand on your at-home putting green and see big breaking putts that you then try to hit on-line into an actual cup. Ya gotta see it to really appreciate it. Trust me, it’s cool as hell!

So now you can use what’s recognized as the most accurate golf launch monitors (the Foresight line), and then pair it with what’s easily the most lifelike home putting experience (PuttView) for a total home golf simulator experience.

PuttView systems start at $11,980 and go well past $50K. Then you’ve got the cost of the Foresight GLM. So, this certainly isn’t for everybody. But for those who are ready to create the true ultimate golf simulator studio, this is how you do it.

Rapsodo Planning Titleist Pro v1x RPT Golf Balls


The Rapsodo MLM2PRO launch monitor on the display counter at the 2025 PGA Show

Coming in March will be a third RPT golf ball option, the Titleist Pro v1x.

As you may know, to get accurate data indoors using the Rapsodo MLM2PRO, you need specially marked golf balls, called RPT balls. To date, they’ve been available in Callaway Chrome Tour and Titleist Pro v1 options. Soon, you’ll be able to get a Pro v1x model.

This is a big deal because it’s important to practice with the type of ball that you’re going to use out on the course if you want data that reflects your actual rounds. So, more options is nothing but good news. Keep ‘em coming, Rapsodo.

Golf Simulator Software Updates

Full Swing KIT Announces Clippd Integration

No golf launch monitor is garnering more attention at the moment than the Full Swing KIT, thanks to it being the centerpiece of the new TGL golf league on primetime television.

But now the Full Swing software experience is getting a significant upgrade. The company today announced the addition of Clippd technology to go with their KIT software package. What that means is a practice combine environment where golfers can get composite scores for each of their golf shots.

It’s a way for users to better interpret all of the data points. Rather than blindly wondering if they’re focusing on the right information, golfers can now get a score that allows them to better understand how all of the data coalesces.

“You start to see how the numbers correlate to a better swing,” Justin Fierro, Full Swing’s Marketing Coordinator, told me. “It’s great to see all those data points, but how can you learn from them if you don’t really understand what each one means? This will help you narrow in on the numbers that matter.”


A golfer in the Full Swing golf simulator at the 2025 PGA Show

TGL Sim Courses Coming to Home Users?

It’s not available yet, but maybe, just maybe, Full Swing KIT home users will gain access to the wild-looking simulator courses we’re watching the pros play on TV in the TGL coverage.

Fierro said it’s part of the master plan.

I think that would be cool as hell. I’d love to see things evolve to the point where we can hit the same shots as Tiger, Rory, and the boys as we’re watching on ESPN.

Stay tuned…

Rapsodo Announces GSPro Integration

That’s right: Finally MLM2PRO users can plug into GSPro!

This is a big deal, as GSPro is such a popular third-party golf simulator software option. To now have it available for the MLM2PRO, along with the recent Awesome Golf integration, is nothing but great news.

On top of that, Rapsodo recently updated their Rapsodo Courses graphics in a big, big way. Those 30,000-plus courses used to be cartoon-like in quality. Now, they’re much, much more detailed. Seeing it in person at the PGA Show was startling. The improvements are very significant.

Uneekor Shows Off Proprietary Sim Software

Game Day is coming! That’s right: Uneekor is rolling out their own in-house sim software. And, judging by the first looks, the 4K graphics and course mapping detail is outstanding!

Uneekor is planning an initial roll out of 25 courses, including big dogs like Pebble Beach. The plan from there is to launch two additional courses every month. And all of them are real courses, not fictional.

On top of that, Uneekor’s GLMs are already compatible with multiple third-party sim software packages. It’s all about choices. And Game Day looks like it’s going to be an incredible addition to that menu of options.

Rapsodo Expands Premium Membership Options

This announcement isn’t brand new, but it’s new enough that it’s worth including here.

Rapsodo MLM2PRO users have always been tied to a Premium Membership to access any of the advanced features of that golf launch monitor, including the ability to use it with golf simulator software. Unfortunately, that’s still the case.

But, whereas you used to only have one choice—pony up the $199 annually and suck it up—you now have the option to unlock the Premium features for a one-time $499 lifetime membership.

Is this amazing news? I wouldn’t go that far. But, if you’re planning to own an MLM2PRO for more than a couple of years, I think it does qualify as good news.

And now that there are more reasons to buy an MLM2PRO (GSPRO integration, expanded RPT golf ball line, better Rapsodo Courses graphics), there are more reasons to plan to own one for more than a couple of years.

Golf Watches and Handheld GPS Updates

Garmin Introduces New Products


The Garmin Golf booth at the 2025 PGA Show

Garmin’s got quite the stranglehold on the wearables market, and they recently fleshed out their line of watches even further.

On display at the show are their new Approach S44 and Approach S50. It’s a refinement of their good-better-best approach. In essence, these new models just enhance the experiences in the good and better categories, with the Approach S70 still locking down the best slot in the lineup.

The Approach S44 is the new entry-level-to-mid-tier option. At $299.99, it’s the replacement to the S42 but adds a stunning 1.2-inch color AMOLED display and updated course maps. And you’ve got the option to add Garmin’s $100 annual subscription to get even better course mapping.

The S50 retails for $399.99 and stands as the new middle-of-the road Garmin golf watch. It takes the S44 golf and display features but adds in advanced off-course features like heart rate, HRV status, advanced sleep monitoring, and sleep score.

See what our top Partner & Friend Sean from Breaking Eighty had to say about it at the PGA Show!


The Garmin Approach G20 Solar GPS handheld on display at the 2025 PGA Show

“These things are no longer just for your gadget, guru person,” said Jennifer Petrehn, Garmin’s Product Strategy Manager. “It’s definitely for everyday golfers. And health tracking and fitness features are a big part of it. We’re leading that charge for the active, healthy, fit golfer. We’re seeing more and more people wearing these watches because they want those 24/7 benefits.”

Garmin also showed off their brand new G20 Solar GPS Handheld, a first-ever device that’s powered by the sun. No more worrying about charging or battery replacement. The G20 powers up as you play. And it includes a cart magnet for riders and a belt clip for walkers.

Shot Scope Brings It Strong with New G6

A brand known as the value alternative is taking that approach a step further with their newest GPS golf watch, the Shot Scope G6. At just $179, golfers can now get in the GPS game for a super reasonable price.

The G6, which replaces the square (and, frankly, somewhat ugly) G5, is now round and now includes full, color, overhead hole maps for more than 36,000 preloaded golf courses.

It’s a push-button (rather than touchscreen) watch. And, unlike the higher-end Shot Scope GPS wearable options, the G6 is not compatible with Shot Scope’s shot-tracking tags. But for the golfer who’s not interested in shot tracking, and just wants a watch that gives them information without the need to pair with an app, here’s an option for less than $200.

Shot-Tracking Updates

Garmin Introduces Affordable Ct1 Tags


The Garmin Approach Ct1 shot tracker on display on the 2025 PGA Show

Garmin also rolled out their Approach Ct1 shot-tracking tags. Just like their Ct10 tags, these screw into the butt end of your golf club and then give you detailed analysis for each club in your bag over all of the rounds that you play.

What’s different about the Ct1s is that they only cost $100 for a full set! And they don’t include internal batteries, meaning you’ll never have to worry about maintenance.

The tradeoff is that, to track your shots, you need to hold the sensor up to a Garmin golf watch. That’s what activates it. It’s not automatic like with the Ct10 tags or like with something like the Arccos system.

But if you already own a Garmin golf watch, you can now get in the shot-tracking game for $100 and be set for life. Not a bad option.

Other Cool Innovations

Science & Motion and Platform Golf Introduce Adjustable Indoor Golf Mat

Now this is cool! You know how when you’re hitting golf shots in your simulator studio, everything is on a perfectly flat lie? It doesn’t always translate perfectly when you then bring your game out to the uneven surfaces of a real golf course.

Well, Science & Motion and Platform Golf introduced at the show a hitting surface that automatically adjusts to mimic the uneven lies we’d face in an outdoor setting.

It works in tandem with TruGolf simulator software. So, you fire up the sim and start your hole on the flat surface of a tee box. Then, after you hit your drive, TruGolf tells the Platform what slope angle your approach shot would be from. Maybe it’s a side hill lie, or a downhill lie, for example. The Platform will then adjust accordingly, and you’ll hit your next shot from that specific angle.

What’s even crazier is that this adjustment extends all the way to the putting green. So you’ll actually hit your putts with real break, rather than just a simulated grid.

This is as close as I’ve seen to indoor golf replicating the outdoor experience. But, of course, it’s not cheap. Getting the door with this is going to cost you at least $16K, but that’s if you already had all of the other components (a golf launch monitor, impact screen, enclosure, etc.). For a full-blown build, you could drop as much as $90,000.

Arccos Teases Exciting Development

All I’m allowed to say here is that you’re going to want to keep an eye on Arccos. They’ve got a seriously cool addition to their already seriously cool shot-tracking solution coming this spring.

I already love playing golf with the incredible insights that Arccos provides. Now, there’s going to be an additional component that will greatly benefit strategy.

We’ll share more once they take this muzzle off of us.

Keep It Locked to PlayBetter for Ongoing Golf Coverage

The front entrance to the 2025 PGA Show in Orlando

Hopefully this serves as a bit of a preview for the year ahead. There’s a ton of great stuff coming.

While this barely scratches the surface, it does represent some of the coolest innovations, updates, and breaking news that developed at the PGA Show.

Follow us on Instagram, X, Facebook, and YouTube as we roll out more in-depth coverage of all of these developments. It’s gonna be a fun year for golf tech!

About PlayBetter Golf Reviewer Marc Sheforgen

Marc "Shef" Sheforgen is a golf writer whose passion for the game far exceeds his ability to play it well. Marc covers all things golf, from product reviews and equipment recommendations to event coverage and tournament analysis. When he’s not playing, watching, or writing about golf, he enjoys traveling (often golf-related), youth sports coaching, volunteering, and record collecting.

Next article TGL: Bringing the Golf Simulator Experience We Love to the Main Stage